Tokenization and its Benefits

Blue bricks technologies
3 min readNov 9, 2021


Tokenization is one of the most recommended security measures that traders, payment processors, and banks employ to guard sensitive economic and personal data from offenders. It is the process of replacing sensitive data with unique identification symbols that retain all the essential information about the data without compromising its security. Tokenization is a fraud-prevention standard intended to shield sensitive payment credentials, such as: 1. Credit card numbers

2. Cardholder signs and name

3. Expiration periods

4. CVV keys

5. Bank account figures

6. Bank account number

Practical Challenges and Concerns

Complex difficulties for retailers concerning implementation and fraud prevention are:

  • In-house resources with insufficient funds for IT security
  • Conventional IT safety mindset and experiences
  • More inadequate flexibility to customize security and IT solutions
  • Less compliance audits driving protection posture developments
  • Boundless application of cloud services
  • Holding information attractive to attackers targeting partners outside in the information flow.

Tokenization as a Service

The purpose of a tokenization platform is to:

  • eliminate any original delicate payment or personal data from enterprise systems,
  • substitute each data set with an indistinct token
  • stock the genuine data in a guarded cloud environment

Tokenization achieves this by interchanging all user’s payment aspects with non-specific IDs identified as “tokens.” When a customer provides his or her payment data at the point of sale (POS), then Tokens are randomly generated. By study, there is no clear association between the user’s payment aspects and the resulting tokens.

Tokenization Example

For illustration, a credit card number like 4123–4247–5421–1068 transitions to a much more abbreviated tokenized value like M9a1%5jvQz.
Only the merchant’s payment gateway can resemble this token against the customer’s unique credit card number. It is undecipherable by anyone else (including the retailer). Even if a permit is blocked mid-transit over an unsecured network, offenders cannot reverse-engineer the customer’s payment data. The token is worthless to them and cannot be used to make gains

Tokenization Benefits

Tokenization may appear complicated, but its excellence is in its integrity. Four reasons why tokenization is valued to businesses:

  • Tokenization overcomes risk from data breaches: If your business experiences a data breach and handles customer financial information, you could be pronounced responsible and admit yourself up to lawsuits. Tokenization allows you to save customer data in a way that is secure for you and your clients
  • Tokenization benefits foster trust with your clients: Over half of customers said a data breach had negatively affected their confidence in a business, according to a 2018 investigation from CA Technologies/Frost & Sullivan. Tokenization allows your consumers to trust that you are safeguarding their data by not storing any of their actual economic knowledge.
  • Tokenization implies less red tape for your company: If you are saving credit card data, it’s critical to be PCI DSS compliant. Tokenization can assist keep data safe. For instance, data tokenization can help store you compliant with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
  • Tokenization makes payment innovations: Tokenization that takes place within third-party apps appends an extra course of assurance from your clients’ mobile devices. They use a combined layer of biometric data or a password to enter their mobile wallet before going ahead to your site.

How tokenization grants you peace of mind

Because tokenization is not needed for PCI compliance, many traders employ this fraud-prevention technology as a reconsideration. Although, when data breaches and cyberattacks are on the growth, manufacturers should utilize every tool at their end to safeguard their users’ data.
Several technologies offer the protection and peace of mind that tokenization prepares. When harnessed accurately, tokenization eliminates delicate customer data from your circumstances. This can be freeing if you lack the in-house IT support to defend user information 24/7. The fewer details you save locally, the more periodic data there is for offenders to steal.

Tokenization and your Enterprise

Think you are ready to store your customers’ data protected, enhance their checkout experience, engage more sales, and have pre-made submissive solutions. In that situation, it is an opportunity to explore the Axiom Tokenization provided by Blue Bricks.

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